Tuesday, 13 January 2009

An Excursion with Ella

- I brought this tape dispenser, as I wanted to quickly make temporary paths across the roads and paths.
- Taking notice of short cuts people take, a more convenient path although there is a crossing a few meters up. Chloe had mention in Israel its illegal to cross the road unless the green man lights up.
- Adding colour to the continuous grey stretches

Excursion with Ella and Owen

I invited Owen to wonder with me "an excursion with Ella", with the intention to tape some paths together and explore. We ended up walking round to Area 10, to the Hannah Barry Gallery, by the Bussey Building.
We tried to get up onto the roof, which supposidly has superb views over all of London as it's the tallest building in Peckham.
But as we were climbing up and up and up through the dark stairs on every floor there was a different Christian Church - picture 'alter of mercy evangelical center'. There are so many hidden christian centers in Peckham!

I wanted to try and tape a path across Peckham Road to college as many people don't use the crossing. With Owens help he held one end of the tape and I ran across the road, problem was that it didn't stick and the cars stopped. Darn! The tape would look so nice! So instead we played football with the tape that wouldn't stick.

inviting people out to play throughtout the project

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