Monday, 12 January 2009

exploring a perfromative element

After writing my self evaluation for my elective in Live and Performed Practice I want to try and include a performative element in my work.
I feel that I have lost a sence of spontanity within my university work. I want to explore interacting with my immediate enviroment , getting me out of the studio or my bedroom when producing work.

Robert Luzar - No Horizon (performance)

part of Camberwell Arts Festival on Windsor Road, SE5 June 22 07
hands covered in graphite pigment searching for a transparent tape on a construction boards around unused houses

Robin Rhode

Hard Rain (2005)

I was really excited to visit the exhibition at the Hayward of Robin Rhode a performance artist who grew up in Johannesburg, as I have liked his work for a few years. He creates energetic narrative performances that evolve around his drawings in chalk and graphite, using the street, and in his later work gallery walls as his canvas. The documentation is often in photographic storyboard sequences or animations, Rhode transform his flat drawings of everyday objects into three-dimensional ones through his playful physical interaction. The simplicity of the medium, body chalk and surface is refreshingly unfussy, and the work has a sense of humour and play while often referencing political issues.

Colour Chart (2006)
A stop motion animation, shot from above with the figures lying on their side. It portrays a battle between a figure dressed in white and coloured opponents confronting one enemy after another, the performance is symbolic of racial conflicts that Rhode has grown up around.

I find living up in Peckham uncoloured in terms of the enviroment, I miss the green fields that I see from my window at home, I think I'm going to look at bringing colour to the streets, without getting arrested! I had been thinking about this before somehow making cycling paths and routes that people take more interesting.
Although I want to add colour, the documentation of Rhodes work from above clears out all the clutter, the street becomes a is a large plain canvas which emphasises the drawings, Rhode mainly use just chalk and graphite - less colour is more.

draging chalk behind bike; rake type drawing implement to place on back of bike? somehow rotates in certian way to create a pattern
water colour paint blobes that spread
huge wooden spirograph
look at Heath Robinson, crazy inventions

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