Saturday, 3 January 2009

Peckham Space

Peckham Space:
Launched in 2008 the programme includes four commissions per year supporting collaborative projects practises between the arts and the local community. It will feature workshops, public events, and public talks as part of each commissions. Peckham Space will be built on Peckham Square London SE15. Partnership between Camberwell College of Arts, Univeristy of the Arts London and Peckham Programme Southwark Council.

Projects include:
-Peckham TV - developed in response ta a period of research carried out by the mother ship collective into the future of Peckham local communities groups stated 'it's not Peckham that is the problem it is the media's representation of it
- 'Street Training- Lottie Child - with Glouster Primary School & public talk about play and participation in the public realm
- CCTV Station - the office of experiments and media shed - a media shed will be sited on Peckham Square for local surveillance, to create short films that will be screened in a mobile structure titled airdrop

Thoughts and notes listening to the Particpation and Contemporary Art podcast Lottie Child and Clare Cumberlidge
  • invitation to find your own relationship with london, sitting in odd places, interactions with security guards
  • callum dubland training videos
  • body language
  • humour, prankster as a subversive activity
  • judgements of limits of appropriateness
  • catalytic fun
  • shadow lines as a type rope
  • pigeon bowling
  • devious
  • holding your breath
  • safety within london - if you want to be safe stay inside?
  • positively change your environment and yourself
  • change - committed/invested time scale
  • encouraging self confidence
  • some boundaries you need some boundaries you don't need
  • formalised techniques of the everyday actions we ignore
  • what do we ignore?
  • didactic; designed or intended to teach, intend to convey instruction and information as well as pleasure and entertainment
  • quote from Dr. Majora Carter you shouldn’t have to move out of your neighbourhood to live in a better one
  • integration of participation
  • community spirit
  • people owning the transformation that happen in their environment
  • oasis USA, open access participatory mapping system of their immediate environment using that data to campaign for change
  • passing on celebration of what was and could be either led by me or others
  • Thinking about some of the participatory events, workshops I have been involved with, for me a nurtured time with a small number of people is more important than achieving large number statistics
  • book: design and landscape for people, can architects, designers,landscapes and artist make a real difference to people quality of life?

Camberwell Arts:
arts organisation promoting arts in Camberwell, workshops involve in developing participatory and socially engaged practises on local estates school, collaborative networks and art oganisations. Co-ordinated by Camberwell Arts in partnership with Camberwell College of Arts and the South London Gallery

Camberwell Arts Festival - live art, open studios, exhibitions, commissioned projects walk and talks.including:
historian Eleanor Margolies leads a walk around Camberwells hidden wildlife,Rachel Gomme's walk through Camberwell following the natural growth through, concrete, brick and
Robert Luzar’s work,installed on park noticeboards throughout Camberwell , looks at how information gets disseminated and censored in public spaces.

next festival 20th – 28th June 2009, contact Kelly O’Reilly, for exhibitions, performances and events in Camberwell

Website links:
  • Neal White - the office of experiments:
  • research into mobile structures combining art base activity and scientific principles, worked with John Lathem - event based theory in art that Latham pursued in his home Flat Time House in Peckham
  • Media Shed -
  • free media making things or doing art for little or no finacial cost by usign public domain software and recyled eqipment. video sniffing using wireless CCTV signals

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