Thursday, 26 February 2009

some of the Harmonograph videos on youtube

possted by: eventhorizon53, 11 January 2008
"built this harmonograph, in part for the Art Faculty show at the college where I teach photography. I wanted it to be made primarily of wood, so I hollowed out redwood blocks that I filled with lead for the weights."

post comments by eventhorizon53:
- The 2 main Pendulums have varying weights and Radi ans swing perpendicular to one another, which creates varying frequencies which are transfered to the pen by arms. The pen rest on paper that is on a table on a third pendulum which rest on a gimble allowning it to rotate adding a third frequency to the resulting Lissajous diagram. The paper is held in place by a small amount of rubber cement on the corners of the table.
- Sure, the bearings are sealed roller bearings that I bought on Ebay. 5/8 of an inch diameter and 3/16 hole. The gimble I made by cutting donut out of the table and used a drill press to get the two holes perfectly in line

posted by johnmoriarty, 21 September 2007
"This is a Harmonograph that was made for the teamYES* exhibition; Experiments in the Field of Fun, in Monster Truck Gallery, Dublin."

posted by: K1Models, 12 November 2007
Automatic drawing machine using pendulums. Prototype version for proof of concept

posted by: mandobaron, 02 June 2006

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