I trailed it around for a while in the snow, filmed by Chloe
(I wiped the paint off the roof afterwards - no damage done)
After making a trail, I started to repeatedly go over one area - the same motion as if I was sweeping but having the reverse affect splattering red paint all across the ground.
I then wanted to clear some of that paint which was outside our door to disguise my trail, I placed it in the road in a line down the middle - contrast of the white and red snow against the mulsh, would be interesting to do this down a large section of road
Then I used up the last of the snow in the pot I had used for mixing the paint and used this as a mould.
I started to clean out the tin outside in our garden with water and carried on spreading the red- as, I was doing it I thought it would of been more visually striking, if i filled in the lower part all in red
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